
02 27, 2017

Presentation of “Point Zero”

Counselor to the RA Police Chief, writer and PR specialist Narek Malian’s book, second in number, but first in the Armenian language, “Point Zero”, has been presented. In his engaging novel the author introduces the "zero points" of civilization to the world and states that terrorism has neither national nor religious affiliation. He also points out that the powerful of the world have often used the power of faith to strengthen their power and multiply riches. In his book, Malian draws parallels between the historical events of the Christian and Muslim worlds and closes the novel with one of the terrorist attacks of our days.

Narek Malian’s Style is, Indeed, Very Felicitous

Reverting to the book presentation, we would like to mention that there were present political, public and cultural figures, pen pals and partners. From those present, SDHP chairman NAREK GALSTYAN spoke about the book, who not only had the honor to be one of the first readers of the draft of the book by N. Malian, but he also witnessed the most important part of the book - the decision on the title.

"When Narek came up with the title, I was drinking tea beside him and watching him choose it straight away. About a month and a half later, I was on a business trip in Paris and seeing "Point Zero" in front of Notre Dame, I immediately took a photo of it on the phone and sent it to Narek. Most importantly, I would like to mention that you immediately move to the world Malian describes in both his first and second books. It is very difficult to live in Armenia, in the Armenian environment and write about the crusade, the Muslim world as if you were right there. Vocabulary, phrases, mannerisms- all this takes you to the Middle Ages, to the heroic, historical and also tragic period that the author describes.

From this perspective, Narek Malian's pen is really very felicitous," said the author of the recently published book "The Akhpars", N. Galstyan and added. "We are waiting for Narek Malian's third and more extensive book."

"I came to understand WHY MANY BOOKS ARE NOT WRITTEN IN ARMENIA". And the author of the book, NAREK MALIAN, started his speech expressing his gratitude emphasizing that this presentation was one of the important events of his life.

"It may be a surprise for Mr. Sahakyan (referring to Honored Cultural Worker of the Republic of Armenia, playwright Vahram Sahakyan - author), but I would like to thank him first. In 2003, when I was still a young and rookie writer, I could get his phone number, met Vahram Sahakyan and showed him my first writings.
Of course, I was very insecure, because, I guess, you know his style. I was afraid he would say such a thing… In short, to my surprise, Vahram not only read it, but he also made a recommendation, which I later used in my writing. I have it in this book, as well. And the advice was the following: write as if you were going to tell an interesting story to your friends. And with that, we can say, the literary style in which I continued to write was founded.”

The author of the book "Point Zero" also made a revelation, especially for writers․ "I made a very interesting discovery for myself, it turned out that writing a book is a team effort. Honestly, I did not know that, because I was not guided by that approach when writing the first book. This was a revelation for me and I understood why so many books are not written in Armenia, because we have a problem with teamwork.”

Malian was sincere about finding some time in his busy routine to write a novel "I could disappear for days and sit and write, that is why I apologize for being physically absent from many events for some time."

And in the end N. Malian emphasized that the purpose of the book is to present it abroad, which is why it would also be available in English.

"I want at least 10 people to read this book abroad," the author added modestly.

