
02 20, 2018

Some of Contemporary Armenian Writers’ Books - Essential Reading

Contemporary Armenian writers are creating 21st century Armenian literature. They live and work beside us, but many of us are not familiar with modern Armenian writers and their works.

From now on, will present contemporary Armenian writers and their works.

Below we would like to present the books we think one should read.

Narek Malian “Point Zero”

Narek Malian - prose writer, lecturer with two master's degrees in international law and public administration, PR specialist. Strategic PR and Communication Ethics lecturer at Educational Complex of Police and at Yerevan State University, Department of Sociology.

He worked in the RA Police as a counselor to the RA Chief of Police from 2011 to 2017. In 2017, Malian resigned, saying that working in the state system hinders his creative and scientific work. Malian's first book, PR of Sodom was published in Russian, despite the rich plot being considered more as a manual for those who wanted to specialize in PR.

In his fascinating novel, “Point Zero”, Narek Malian introduces the "zero points" of civilization to the world" and notes that terrorism has neither national nor religious affiliation. He also points out that the powerful of the world have often used the power of faith to strengthen their power and multiply riches.

In his book, Narek Malian draws parallels between the "historical events of the Christian and Muslim worlds" and closes the novel with one of the terrorist attacks of our days. The book begins and ends with a liturgy, which attempts to draw a subtle line between the modern world and medieval religious fanaticism.

"There is not one single zero point in the book, but several, they are four, and they are the zero points of civilization. That is to say, these are the points following which the path of civilization changed, and clearly for the worse," Malian said in one of his interviews.

A number of foreign publishers are interested in Malian's novel "Point Zero", the book has already been translated into English and Arabic. Al Arabi Publishing House also acquired a copyright for "Point Zero". 

Yana Martirosyan
